Friday, 28 February 2014

Organic Superfoods which keep you slim and Prevent Weight Gain

You must have been bombarded with healthy, organic foods which claim to be better than your normal grocery items. So what is actually good about organic stuff? These foods contain more nutrients per calorie than other foods. They contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which are essential in preventing diseases ranging from cancer to heart disease and many more. There are many superfood supplements now available in the market and choosing the best green superfood supplement among them can be a tough task. Here’s a list of few superfoods which can keep you healthy:

1.Chlorella: This is a fresh water algae which contains proteins, vitamins such as B, C and E, and many minerals. It helps reduce cholesterol and builds immunity and prevents hardening of arteries which is a red signal for heart attacks and strokes.

2.Green leafy vegetables: Readily available and high in nutrition, green leafy vegetables contain very high amounts of chlorophyll, digestible proteins, enzymes, and many vitamins and minerals. They act as a health tonic for the body aiding brain and immune system while also cleansing the kidneys.

3.Goji berries: Originating in China and Tibet, these small but potent fruits contain loads of antioxidants which help tackle free radical damage and protect our body’s cells from diseases like cancer. An excellent source of vitamin C and soluble fiber, goji berry is known to have loads of amino acids, beta carotene, iron and 21 trace minerals. During ancient times, goji berries were used to treat eye problems, skin rashes and allergies, insomnia, liver disorders, diabetes, cervical cancer, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

4.Green coffee: Not once could you have imagined that the unroasted coffee beans pack so much power in them! Green Coffee Pure pills have taken the market by storm with a content called chlorogenic acid, which works to burn stored fat in liver and further prevents fat formation and aids conversion of glucose into energy.

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